0800 294 7766
Platinum Motorola

DCS 2 Way Radio Accredited with Platinum Status by Motorola

Motorola platinum status badge

DCS 2 Way Radio is proud to announce that we have now been accredited with “Platinum Channel Partner” status by Motorola.

Our knowledge and experience of Motorola products has resulted in us being one of only seventeen Platinum Channel Partners throughout the UK with this accolade. This status allows us to access additional resources from Motorola, enabling us to create a better experience for our customers.

We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Motorola and look forward to continuing to develop our relationship with them in the future, now that we are an official Platinum Channel Partner for Professional and Commercial Radios

Talk to our friendly experts to take advantage of our specialist knowledge. Free consultations are all part of the service!

Call us on 0800 294 7766 or send an enquiry to find out about hiring Motorola radios for your business.

Released On 15th Mar 2017

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